Ziggeo's player and recorder elements can be embedded into iFrames.
Steps to include a video player via iFrame
Here are the steps required to embed a Ziggeo video player via iFrame:
- Go to your application management on Ziggeo, Iframe Embed tab, and enable embeds.
- Select the video-token of the video you would like to embed.
- Generate the following iFrame code:
<iframe src='https://ziggeo.io/p/video-token' height="300" frameborder='0' scrolling='no' allowspeakers allowautoplay allowfullscreen allow='speakers *; autoplay *; fullscreen *' style="width:100%;height:300px" ></iframe>
Steps to include a video recorder via iFrame
Here are the steps required to embed a Ziggeo video recorder via iFrame:
- Go to your application management on Ziggeo, Iframe Embed tab, and enable embeds.
- Select the application-token of this application
- Generate the following iFrame code:
<iframe src='https://ziggeo.io/r/application-token' height="300" frameborder='0' scrolling='no' allowspeakers allowautoplay allowfullscreen allowmicrophone allowcamera allowusermedia allow='speakers *; autoplay *; fullscreen *; microphone *; camera *; usermedia *' style="width:100%;height:376px" ></iframe>