See our documentation that explains the technical details of our API.
The documentation is separated in several mayor sections with the relevant sections moved to pages available within these sections.

JavaScript SDK
Our JavaScript SDK provides you with useful tools to create, show and play videos from your website.

Code support
This outlines the full time line of updates to our JS SDK.
It will show you short details on each JavaScript revision, such as the fixes and features added to it as well as the time. We support all of the revisions shown on the same.
You will find it under SDKs > JavaScript SDK > Version History

Implementing Ziggeo into your app or website
It has never been easier, going from no setup needed, to few clicks and of course allowing advanced modifications.
Integrating your Ziggeo account to existing or new app or website is a quick thing with the details found under this category. It allows you to see different ways you can embed (add) Ziggeo on any page and gives you a simple to click through setup changing how your application works. Next to this you can fine tune each embedding (code added to your pages) through various parameters
to match your design.
You will find it under SDKs > JavaScript SDK > Browser Integration

Talking Ziggeo
Once you add Ziggeo you might decide that it is time to talk to it or to listen what your embeddings say this segment is what you are after
Once the integration is finished workflows come into play, where some action is needed for the reaction and our system offers you the same in quite simple manner. Checking this section will introduce you to it and then allow you to check out events
or methods
(or both) that you can use to make it all come together
You will find it under SDKs > JavaScript SDK > Browser Interaction

Sometimes you might want to do something completely custom, or need just that extra Ziggeo touch in your code, and our API is there to help
Using API we can create any specific entry in our code that we are after. From searching through videos, obtaining specific image or video, to creating and manipulating new videos and streams.
You will find it under SDKs > JavaScript SDK > API Tree

Server-Side SDKs
Server side SDKs allow us to do many things quickly and easily in the back, offering higher security and privacy of what and how it actually happens

PHP SDK can be added to any PHP project to start using Ziggeo calls from the same.
You will find it under SDKs > Server Side SDKs > PHP SDK

Python SDK
Python SDK can be added to any Python project to start using Ziggeo calls from the same.
You will find it under SDKs > Server Side SDKs > Python SDK

NodeJS SDK can be added to any NodeJS project to start using Ziggeo calls from the same.
You will find it under SDKs > Server Side SDKs > Node.js SDK

Ruby SDK
Ruby SDK can be added to any Ruby project to start using Ziggeo calls from the same.
You will find it under SDKs > Server Side SDKs > Ruby SDK

Java SDK
Java SDK can be added to any Java project to start using Ziggeo calls from the same.
You will find it under SDKs > Server Side SDKs > Java SDK

C# SDK can be added to any C# project to start using Ziggeo calls from the same.
You will find it under SDKs > Server Side SDKs > C# SDK

Mobile SDKs
Mobile SDKs are great to extend your apps into something more and get them ready for future that is video

iOS Objective C SDK
iOS Objective C SDK will allow you to extend the abilities of your "older" apps based on Objective C.
You will find it under SDKs > Mobile SDKs > iOS Objective C SDK

iOS Swift SDK
iOS Swift SDK is great for all newer apps created using Swift.
You will find it under SDKs > Mobile SDKs > iOS Swift SDK

Android SDK
Android SDK - perfect choice for all native Android apps.
You will find it under SDKs > Mobile SDKs > Android SDK

Cordova and PhoneGap SDK
Next to above native SDKs we also support Cordova and PhoneGap
You will find it under SDKs > Mobile SDKs > Cordova / PhoneGap

Ziggeo API Advanced features

Authorization (token) System
If you need secure system or just want to control what and when it happens, the authorization tokens will help with the same.
Our system allows you to setup read, update, delete and create tokens that can match your desired security or privacy polices, allowing you to quickly and easily set up grants by going through the explanations what each means and the examples that follow it.
You will find it under API Reference > Authorization tokens

Webhooks (server events)
Need your servers to get updated when some specific event happens, like video being recorded, or video transcription being ready? The Webhooks will allow you to do just that.
Sometimes we might need events on client side which as we saw is easy with Ziggeo, and when moment comes that you want your servers to listen to these events as well, you are looking for our webhooks. Easy to implement they allow you to quickly get your servers listen in to everything that happens.
You will find it under API Reference > Webhooks