Why Ziggeo?
Here's why you should choose Ziggeo over any other service
- WebRTC: Ziggeo API supports WebRTC and only uses Flash as a backup when absolutely necessary.
- SDKs: Ziggeo has iOS and Android SDKs for video recording/playback.
- Video Processing: Since Ziggeo does not outsource transcoding, videos are quickly transcoded and seen almost immediately.
- Security: We have patent-pending technology that ensures videos are viewed and recorded by only those with permission.
- Breakage Buster: If an internet connection breaks during video uploading, Ziggeo will save those videos locally and then automatically continue uploading once the internet connection is back.
- Branding: Ziggeo is whitelabled and allows you to automatically brand videos with your own bug/brand.
- Fine-Grained Permissions: With Ziggeo you can configure who has access to which videos.
- Launch to Youtube and Vimeo: Captured videos can be automatically launched to YouTube.
- Effects: Ziggeo has Instagram-like filters that can instantly transform your videos to e.g. black/white or cartoons.
- Media Management Dashboard: You can choose to use Ziggeo’s dashboard to manage and moderate videos.
- Hosting/Storage: Ziggeo hosts videos at one third the cost of other services.
- Compliance and Certification: Ziggeo has certifications and is compliant to many things that make your life easier.
- Did we say award winning? Check all of our awards.