
API allows you to do many things, such as creating video, updating video (and its data) and removing the same and as such allows you to do things your way, while still communicating with our servers.

It is good to point out that if you are looking for a way to do it quickly and easily, checking out our Browser Interaction pages might be a better option, while API is definitely good for all those things that you need a bit of extra touch on.

There are 2 main parts of the API connected to your media:

  1. Main media element or container. For example "Videos"
  • Video object will work directly with a video and will hold all of the details of the same
  1. Streams
  • Streams are part of the video object and as such you can have many streams available under the same video and action on a single stream would not affect the video as a whole, just that specific stream.

All of the calls are done with the use of your Ziggeo application. This way you can easily have multiple applications on the same page doing their own API calls.

It also means that you will need to have the application already created and available at the moment that you are making the call. The best place to see how, is to check out our header page.

In our example here the application will be declared as follows, however options in the application generally can only affect the auth request.

  var ziggeo_app = new ZiggeoApi.V2.Application({
    webrtc_streaming_if_necessary: true,
    webrtc_on_mobile: true,
    auth: true

VIDEOS /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*videos_token_or_key*/

The videos resource allows you to access all single videos. Each video may contain more than one stream.

STREAMS /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token_or_key*/streams/*streams_token_or_key*/

The streams resource allows you to directly access all streams associated with a single video.

AUDIOS /v1/applications/*application_token*/audios/*audios_token_or_key*/

The audios resource allows you to access all single audios. Each audios may contain more than one audio stream.

AUDIO STREAMS /v1/applications/*application_token*/audios/*audio_token_or_key*/streams/*audio_streams_token_or_key*/

The audio streams resource allows you to directly access all streams associated with a single audio.

IMAGES /v1/applications/*application_token*/images/*images_token_or_key*/

The images resource allows you to access all single images. Each image may contain more than one image stream.

IMAGE STREAMS /v1/applications/*application_token*/images/*image_token_or_key*/streams/*image_streams_token_or_key*/

The image streams resource allows you to directly access all streams associated with a single image.

VIDEO CALLS /v1/applications/*application_token*/*video_calls_token_or_key*/

  1. Videos
    1. index

      Query an array of videos (will return at most 50 videos by default). Newest videos come first.

      RAW: [GET] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/

      Return type: JSON

      Arguments limit Limit the number of returned videos. Can be set up to 100. skip Skip the first [n] entries. reverse Reverse the order in which videos are returned. states Filter videos by state tags Filter the search result to certain tags

      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.index(data_object);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.index(data_object, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
    2. destroy

      Delete a single video by token or key.

      RAW: [DELETE] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token*

      Arguments video_token_or_key Token or a key identifying the same.

      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.destroy(token_or_key);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.destroy(token_or_key, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
    3. destroy_file

      Delete all of the video's stream files.

      RAW: [DELETE] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token*

      Arguments video_token_or_key Token or a key identifying the same.

      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.destroy_file(token_or_key);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.destroy_file(token_or_key, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
    4. create

      Create a new video.

      RAW: [POST] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos

      Return type: JSON

      Arguments file Video file to be uploaded. min_duration Minimal duration of video. max_duration Maximal duration of video. tags Video Tags. key Unique (optional) name of video. volatile Automatically remove this video if it remains empty.

      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.create(data_object);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.create(data_object, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
    5. update

      Update an existing video.

      RAW: [POST] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token*

      Return type: JSON

      Arguments min_duration Minimal duration of video. max_duration Maximal duration of video. tags Video Tags. key Unique (optional) name of video. volatile Automatically remove this video if it remains empty. expiration_days After how many days will this video be deleted.

      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.update(video_token_or_key, data_object);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.update(video_token_or_key, data_object, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
    6. get

      Read an existing video.

      RAW: [GET] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token*

      Return type: JSON

      Arguments video_token_or_key Token or a key identifying the same.

      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.get(token_or_key);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.get(token_or_key, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
    7. image

      Get URL of the thumbnail.

      RAW: /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token*

      Return type: URL

      Arguments video_token_or_key Token or a key identifying the same.

      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.image(token_or_key);
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      ziggeo_app.videos.image(token_or_key, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" } );
    8. source

      Get URL of the video file.

      RAW: /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token*

      Return type: URL

      Arguments video_token_or_key Token or a key identifying the same.

      var response = ziggeo_app.videos.source(token_or_key);
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      ziggeo_app.videos.source(token_or_key, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" } );
  1. Streams
    1. destroy

      Delete the stream

      RAW: [DELETE] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token_or_key*/streams/*stream_token*

      Arguments video_token Token or a key identifying the video. stream_token_or_key Token or a key identifying the same.

      var response = ziggeo_app.streams.destroy(video_token, stream_token_or_key);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.streams.destroy(video_token, stream_token_or_key, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
    2. destroy_file

      Delete the stream's file

      RAW: [DELETE] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token_or_key*/streams/*stream_token*

      Arguments video_token Token or a key identifying the video. stream_token_or_key Token or a key identifying the same.

      var response = ziggeo_app.streams.destroy_file(video_token, stream_token_or_key);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.streams.destroy_file(video_token, stream_token_or_key, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
    3. create

      Create a new stream

      RAW: [POST] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token_or_key*/streams

      Return type: JSON

      Arguments video_token Token or a key identifying the video. file Video file to be uploaded

      var response = ziggeo_app.streams.create(video_token, data_object);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.streams.create(video_token, data_object, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
    4. accept

      Accept stream

      RAW: [POST] /v1/applications/*application_token*/videos/*video_token_or_key*/streams/*stream_token*

      Return type: JSON

      Arguments video_token Token or a key identifying the video. stream_token_or_key Token or a key identifying the same.

      var response = ziggeo_app.streams.accept(video_token, stream_token_or_key);
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here
      This function can also be used with auth tokens as follows:
      var response = ziggeo_app.streams.accept(video_token, stream_token_or_key, {"server_auth": "your_auth_token" });
      response.success( function (data) {
          //Your success code here.
      response.error(function (error) {
          //Your error handling code here