
Create and manage your effect profiles and their processes through simple API calls. All that from the comfort of your PHP scripts.

It is simple, fast and bellow you can see exactly how to do it.

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  • create
    Create a new effect profile.
    $ziggeo->effectProfiles()->create($arguments = array())
    1. key Effect profile key.
    2. title Effect profile title.
    3. default_effect Boolean. If TRUE, sets an effect profile as default. If FALSE, removes the default status for the given effect
    This method returns JSON
    	This script will show you how to create an effect profile through API
    	Parameters you need to pass:
    	1. app_token
    	2. private_key
    	3. effect_title
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Ziggeo.php");
    $opts = getopt("", array("app_token:", "private_key:", "effect_title:"));
    //We initialize our SDK
    $ziggeo = new Ziggeo($opts["app_token"], $opts["private_key"]);
    $effect = $ziggeo->effectProfiles()->create(array(
    	"title" => $opts["effect_title"]
  • index
    Get list of effect profiles.
    $ziggeo->effectProfiles()->index($arguments = array())
    1. limit Limit the number of returned effect profiles. Can be set up to 100.
    2. skip Skip the first [n] entries.
    3. reverse Reverse the order in which effect profiles are returned.
    This method returns JSON
    	This script will show you how to get the list of all effect profiles you have created under your application
    	Parameters you need to pass:
    	1. app_token
    	2. private_key
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Ziggeo.php");
    $opts = getopt("", array("app_token:", "private_key:"));
    //We initialize our SDK
    $ziggeo = new Ziggeo($opts["app_token"], $opts["private_key"]);
    $effects = $ziggeo->effectProfiles()->index();
  • get
    Get a single effect profile
    This method returns JSON
  • delete
    Delete the effect profile
  • update
    Updates an effect profile.
    $ziggeo->effectProfiles()->update($token_or_key, $arguments = array())
    1. default_effect Boolean. If TRUE, sets an effect profile as default. If FALSE, removes the default status for the given effect
    This method returns JSON
  • index
    Return all processes associated with a effect profile
    $ziggeo->effectProfileProcess()->index($effect_token_or_key, $arguments = array())
    1. states Filter streams by state
    This method returns JSON
  • get
    Get a single process
    $ziggeo->effectProfileProcess()->get($effect_token_or_key, $token_or_key)
    This method returns JSON
  • delete
    Delete the process
    $ziggeo->effectProfileProcess()->delete($effect_token_or_key, $token_or_key)
  • create_filter_process
    Create a new filter effect process
    $ziggeo->effectProfileProcess()->create_filter_process($effect_token_or_key, $arguments = array())
    1. effect Effect to be applied in the process
    This method returns JSON
    	This script will show you how to create an effect profile through API and to attach an Instagram like effect process.
    	Parameters you need to pass:
    	1. app_token
    	2. private_key
    	3. effect_profile_token
    	4. filter_process
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Ziggeo.php");
    $opts = getopt("", array("app_token:", "private_key:", "effect_profile_token:", "filter_process:"));
    $ziggeo = new Ziggeo($opts["app_token"], $opts["private_key"]);
    $filterOpts = array(
    	"filter" => $opts["filter_process"]
    $effect_profile_token = $opts["effect_profile_token"];
    $filter = $ziggeo->effectProfileProcess()->create_filter_process($effect_profile_token, $filterOpts);
  • create_watermark_process
    Attaches an image to a new stream
    $ziggeo->effectProfileProcess()->create_watermark_process($effect_token_or_key, $arguments = array())
    1. file Image file to be attached
    2. vertical_position Specify the vertical position of your watermark (a value between 0.0 and 1.0)
    3. horizontal_position Specify the horizontal position of your watermark (a value between 0.0 and 1.0)
    4. video_scale Specify the image scale of your watermark (a value between 0.0 and 1.0)
    This method returns JSON
    	This script will show you how to create an effect profile through API and to attach a watermark (logo) process.
    	Parameters you need to pass:
    	1. app_token
    	2. private_key
    	3. effect_profile_token
    	5. file_path
    	6. horizontal_position
    	7. vertical_position
    	8. video_scale
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Ziggeo.php");
    $opts = getopt("", array("app_token:", "private_key:", "effect_profile_token:", "file_path:", "horizontal_position:", "vertical_position:", "video_scale:"));
    $ziggeo = new Ziggeo($opts["app_token"], $opts["private_key"]);
    //Set up the watermark object
    $arguments = array(
    	"file" => $opts["file_path"],
    	"horizontal_position" => $opts["horizontal_position"], //horizontal placement of the watermark in the video
    	"vertical_position" => $opts["vertical_position"], //vertical placement of the watermark in the video
    	"video_scale" => $opts["video_scale"] //amount of scaling done on the image before added to the video
    $effect_profile_token = $opts["effect_profile_token"];
    //Assign a new watermark process to our new effect profile
    $watermark = $ziggeo->effectProfileProcess()->create_watermark_process($effect_profile_token, $arguments);
  • edit_watermark_process
    Edits an existing watermark process.
    $ziggeo->effectProfileProcess()->edit_watermark_process($effect_token_or_key, $token_or_key, $arguments = array())
    1. file Image file to be attached
    2. vertical_position Specify the vertical position of your watermark (a value between 0.0 and 1.0)
    3. horizontal_position Specify the horizontal position of your watermark (a value between 0.0 and 1.0)
    4. video_scale Specify the image scale of your watermark (a value between 0.0 and 1.0)
    This method returns JSON