
Auth tokens allow you to add additional layer of security to your videos. While we offer a way to do this through dashboard, bellow you will see how you can do that and even more through the API calls.

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  • get
    Get a single auth token by token.
    This method returns JSON
  • update
    Update single auth token by token.
    ziggeo.authtokens().update(token_or_key, arguments = nil)
    1. volatile Will this object automatically be deleted if it remains empty?
    2. hidden If hidden, the token cannot be used directly.
    3. expiration_date Expiration date for the auth token (Unix epoch time format)
    4. usage_expiration_time Expiration time per session (seconds)
    5. session_limit Maximal number of sessions
    6. grants Permissions this tokens grants
    This method returns JSON
  • delete
    Delete a single auth token by token.
  • create
    Create a new auth token.
    ziggeo.authtokens().create(arguments = nil)
    1. volatile Will this object automatically be deleted if it remains empty?
    2. hidden If hidden, the token cannot be used directly.
    3. expiration_date Expiration date for the auth token (Unix epoch time format)
    4. usage_expiration_time Expiration time per session (seconds)
    5. session_limit Maximal number of sessions
    6. grants Permissions this tokens grants
    This method returns JSON
    require_relative "../lib/Ziggeo"
    app_token = ARGV[0];
    private_key = ARGV[1];
    ziggeo =, private_key)
    permissions = { session_owned: true }
    auth_token = ziggeo.authtokens.create(grants:{
    	create: permissions,
    	read: permissions,
    	update: permissions,
    	destroy: permissions
    print auth_token
  • generate
    Creates the encrypted auth token object that you can pass to your recorder
    ziggeo.auth().generate(arguments = nil)
    1. volatile Will this object automatically be deleted if it remains empty?
    2. hidden If hidden, the token cannot be used directly.
    3. expiration_date Expiration date for the auth token (Unix epoch time format)
    4. usage_expiration_time Expiration time per session (seconds)
    5. session_limit Maximal number of sessions
    6. grants Permissions this tokens grants
    This method returns string