
Ziggeo's Swift SDK is the ultimate video recording/playback SDK out there.

Ziggeo's iOS Swift SDK is managed publicly on GitHub here.

Fork me on GitHub

Note: Starting with 1.1.22 this SDK requires Swift 5.3.1 compiler due to Swift compiler limitation. If you want to use Swift 5.3 or below you should use ZiggeoSwiftSDK 1.1.21 or older.

Upgrading from v 1.1.26 to v.1.1.27

Implemented support for pre-roll ads using the VAST specification. See the new method playWithAds in the ZiggeoPlayer class

Upgrading from v 1.1.25 to v.1.1.26

Fixed the issue when authentication with server or client tokens did not work

Upgrading from v 1.1.24 to v.1.1.25

Added notifications telling the user to switch back to the app when the app is uploading videos in background

Upgrading from v 1.1.23 to v.1.1.24

Fixed issue when video uploads failed when they started right away after each other

Upgrading from v 1.1.22 to v.1.1.23

Implemented possibility to continue video uploads after the app was moved to background. Fixed compatibility with the iOS simulator. IMPORTANT! This and following releases require CocoaPods 1.10.0 or higher!

Upgrading from v 1.1.21 to v.1.1.22

Improved compatibility with some older Swift compilers

Upgrading from v 1.1.20 to v.1.1.21

Support for Swift 5.3.1

Upgrading from v 1.1.19 to v.1.1.20

Fixed support of Swift 5.2

Upgrading from v 1.1.18 to v.1.1.19

Added support for Swift 5.3

Upgrading from v 1.1.17 to v.1.1.18

Added support for Swift 5.3

Upgrading from v 1.1.16 to v.1.1.17

Fixed crashes and freezes when starting recording and flipping camera

Upgrading from v 1.1.15 to v.1.1.16

Fixed crash on latest iOS versions when opening recorder

Upgrading from v 1.1.14 to v.1.1.15

Fixed recorder layout on iPhone X and iPhone 11

Upgrading from v 1.1.13 to v.1.1.14

Implemented customization of recorder buttons

Upgrading from v 1.1.12 to v.1.1.13

Fixed an issue when uploading existing videos

Upgrading from v 1.1.11 to v.1.1.12

Swift 5.2 support added

Upgrading from v 1.1.10 to v.1.1.11

Crash fix on camera or microphone access disabled

Upgrading from v 1.1.8 to v.1.1.10

Swift 5.1.2 support added

Upgrading from v 1.1.8 to v.1.1.9

Cover generator updated

Upgrading from v 1.1.7 to v.1.1.8

Swift 5.1 support added

Upgrading from v 1.1.6 to v.1.1.7

Sequence of video items playback support added. See ZiggeoPlayer.createPlayerForMultipleVideos for details

Upgrading from v 1.1.5 to v.1.1.6

Custom data support fixed. Use ["data":"{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"] as an extra data args to pass custom data to the recorded video

Upgrading from v 1.1.4 to v.1.1.5

Subtitles support added

Upgrading from v 1.1.3 to v.1.1.4

Swift 5 support added

Upgrading from v 1.1.0 to v.1.1.3

The update brings new optional features such as light meter, audio level meter and face outlining. These features are also available in the updated ZiggeoRecorder delegate

Upgrading from v 1.0.9 to v.1.1.0

Caching issue resolved for videos with default effect applied

Upgrading from v.1.0.8 to v.1.0.9

Swift 4.2(3.4) framework builds added

Upgrading from v.1.0.7 to v.1.0.8

The update bring dashboard /debugger error reporting.

Upgrading from v.1.0.6 to v.1.0.7

The update bring new serverAuthToken and clientAuthToken parameters in ziggeo.connect object (useful for global auth tokens).

Upgrading from v.1.0.5 to v.1.0.6

New changes bring new features without changing the entry or exit points of any methods or functions. You can safely upgrade without any changes to your existing codes.

Added feature:

  1. Video recorder can be utilized with server_auth and client_auth auth tokens.
    • To specify them for recorder you should use extraArgsForCreateVideo
  2. Video player can be utilized with server_auth and client_auth auth tokens.


  • Create iOS App

  • Add ZiggeoSwiftFramework.framework

  • Add bridging header in case of mixed objective-C/Swift project

    #import <ZiggeoSwiftFramework/ZiggeoSwiftFramework.h>
  • Make sure ZiggeoSwiftFramework.framework is added to Embedded Binaries and Linked Framework sections in your app target settings

  • Configure audio session in the AppDelegate

      func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions ...) {
          // Override point for customization after application launch.
          do {
              try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, with: [AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.duckOthers, AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.defaultToSpeaker]);
          catch {}
          return true
  • Add NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription sections into the info.plist file

Building/Packaging App

  • Grab framework from Swift-Client-SDK/Output/ directory. Use Swift 3.2 version for Xcode 9.0+, Swift 3.1 version for Xcode 8.3+ and Swift 3 for older Xcode versions
  • Add framework into "linked frameworks" and "embedded binaries" at the project build settings
  • Clean and rebuild the application

CocoaPods Support (optional)

  • Install CocoaPods
    $ sudo gem install cocoapods
  • Create new iOS project
  • Init pods in the xcode project directory
    $ pod init
  • Add framework to Podfile
    pod 'ZiggeoSwiftSDK', :git => '', :branch => '1.0.0'
  • Install framework
    $ pod install
  • Reopen the project using the .xcworkspace

Preparing App for the Submission to App Store

  • Create "new run script phase" at the application target build settings to strip the unused architectures. Use the script provided with the Swift-Client-SDK/TestApplication example (TestApplication target settings -> Build phases -> Run script section)

Basic Usage

Initialize Application

import ZiggeoSwiftFramework

var m_ziggeo: Ziggeo! = nil;
m_ziggeo = Ziggeo(token: "YOUR_APP_TOKEN_HERE");

Video Player


func createPlayer()->AVPlayer {
   let player = ZiggeoPlayer(application: m_ziggeo, videoToken: "ZIGGEO_VIDEO_TOKEN");
   return player;

Initialization with optional authorization token

ZiggeoPlayer.createPlayerWithAdditionalParams(application: m_ziggeo, videoToken: "VIDEO_TOKEN", params: ["client_auth":"CLIENT_AUTH_TOKEN"]) { (player:ZiggeoPlayer?) in
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        let playerController: AVPlayerViewController = AVPlayerViewController();
        playerController.player = player;
        self.present(playerController, animated: true, completion: nil);

Fullscreen Playback

@IBAction func playFullScreen(sender: AnyObject) {
    let playerController: AVPlayerViewController = AVPlayerViewController();
    playerController.player = createPlayer();
    self.presentViewController(playerController, animated: true, completion: nil);

Embedded Playback

@IBAction func playEmbedded(sender: AnyObject) {
    if m_embeddedPlayer != nil {
        m_embeddedPlayer = nil;
        m_embeddedPlayerLayer = nil;
    m_embeddedPlayer = createPlayer();
    m_embeddedPlayerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: m_embeddedPlayer);
    m_embeddedPlayerLayer.frame = videoViewPlaceholder.frame;

Sequence of Videos Playback

@IBAction func playSequenceOfVideos(_ sender: Any) {
    ZiggeoPlayer.createPlayerForMultipleVideos(application: m_ziggeo, videoTokens: ["VIDEO_TOKEN_1", "VIDEO_TOKEN_2", "VIDEO_TOKEN_N"], params: nil) { (player) in
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.queuePlayer = player;
            self.playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: player)
            self.playerLayer.frame = self.videoViewPlaceholder.layer.bounds

Video Recorder

@IBAction func record(sender: AnyObject) {
    let recorder = ZiggeoRecorder(application: m_ziggeo);
    self.presentViewController(recorder, animated: true, completion: nil);

Enable Cover Selector Dialog

recorder.coverSelectorEnabled = true;

Enable Recorded Video Preview Dialog

recorder.recordedVideoPreviewEnabled = true;

Disable Camera Flip Button

recorder.cameraFlipButtonVisible = false;

Set Active Camera Device

recorder.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDevice.Rear;

Enable Face Outlining

recorder.showFaceOutline = true;

Enable Light Meter Indicator

recorder.showLightIndicator = true;

Enable Audio Level Indicator

recorder.showSoundIndicator = true;

Additional Video Parameters (effects, profiles, etc)

recorder.extraArgsForCreateVideo = ["effect_profile": "12345"];

Authorization tokens

Recorder-level auth tokens:

    recorder.extraArgsForCreateVideo = ["client_auth" : "CLIENT_AUTH_TOKEN"];

Global (application-level) auth tokens:

    m_ziggeo.connect.clientAuthToken = "CLIENT_AUTH_TOKEN";

Advanced SDK Usage

Ziggeo API Access

You can use the SDK to access Ziggeo Server API methods in the async manner. The SDK provides the following functionality:

  • Create/remove/index videos
  • Custom Ziggeo Embedded Server API requests

All API methods work asynchronously and never block the calling thread. As an option, you may use custom callbacks (completion blocks) to receive results.

Videos API

Get Video Accessor Object

let videos = m_ziggeo.videos;

Get All Videos

videos.Index(nil) { (jsonArray, error) in
    NSLog("index error: \(error), response: \(jsonArray)");

Videos Delegate

class ViewController: UIViewController, ... ZiggeoVideosDelegate {
  //somewhere after initializing Ziggeo object
  m_ziggeo.videos.delegate = self;

Get Video Preparing to Upload Event After the Token Received

    public func videoPreparingToUpload(_ sourcePath: String, token: String) {
        NSLog("preparing to upload \(sourcePath) video with token \(token)");

Get Video Preparing to Upload Event Before the Actual Token Received

    public func videoPreparingToUpload(_ sourcePath: String) {
        NSLog("preparing to upload \(sourcePath) video");

Get Video Failed (or Cancelled) to Upload Event

    public func videoFailedToUpload(_ sourcePath: String) {
        NSLog("failed to upload \(sourcePath) video");

Get Video Upload Started Event

    public func videoUploadStarted(_ sourcePath: String, token: String, backgroundTask: URLSessionTask) {
        NSLog("upload started with \(sourcePath) video and token \(token)");
        //capture the uploading task to be able to cancel it later using m_uploadingTask.cancel()
        m_uploadingTask = backgroundTask;

Get Video Upload Complete Event

    public func videoUploadComplete(_ sourcePath: String, token: String, response: URLResponse?, error: NSError?, json:  NSDictionary?) {
        NSLog("upload complete with \(sourcePath) video and token \(token)");

Get Video Upload Progress Report

    public func videoUploadProgress(_ sourcePath: String, token: String, totalBytesSent: Int64, totalBytesExpectedToSend:  Int64) {
        NSLog("upload progress is \(totalBytesSent) from total \(totalBytesExpectedToSend)");

Create New Video


videos.CreateVideo(nil, file: fileToUpload.path!, cover: nil, callback: nil, progress: nil);


Add custom completion/progress callbacks here to make the SDK inform your app about uploading progress and response. Cover image is optional -- Ziggeo can generate default video cover shot.

videos.CreateVideo(nil, file: fileToUpload.path!, cover: UIImage?, callback: { (jsonObject, response, error) in
    //update ui
}, progress: { (totalBytesSent, totalBytesExpectedToSend) in
    //update progress ui

Delete video

videos.DeleteVideo("YOUR_VIDEO_TOKEN", callback: { (responseData, response, error) in
    //update ui

Retrieve Video URL to Use in Custom Player

let url = videos.GetURLForVideo("YOUR_VIDEO_TOKEN_HERE"))

Get Remote Video Thumb asynchronously

Remote video thumbs are cached on client side, so you can call the method as frequently as you wish without the performance or network load impact

videos.GetImageForVideo("YOUR_VIDEO_TOKEN_HERE", callback: { (image, response, error) in
    //update UI with the received image

Generate Local Video Thumb asynchronously

Local video thumbs are cached on client side, so you can call the method as frequently as you wish without the performance impact

self.application.videos.GetImageForLocalVideo("LOCAL_VIDEO_PATH", callback: { (image, error) in
    //update UI with the received image

Custom Ziggeo API Requests

The SDK provides an opportunity to make custom requests to Ziggeo Embedded Server API. You can make POST/GET/custom_method requests and receive RAW data, json-dictionary or string as the result.

Get API Accessor Object

let connection = self.application.connect;

Make POST Request and Parse JSON Response

connection.PostJsonWithPath(path, data: NSDictionary?, callback: { (jsonObject, response, error) in
//jsonObject contains parsed json response received from Ziggeo API Server

Make POST Request and Get RAW Data Response

connection.PostWithPath(path: String, data: NSDictionary?, callback: { (data, response, error) in
//data contains RAW data received from Ziggeo API Server

Make GET Request and Get String Response

connection.GetStringWithPath(path: String, data: NSDictionary?, callback: { (string, response, error) in
    //the string contains stringified response received from Ziggeo API Server

Notification when uploading videos in background

iOS has limitations on time which the app can do various activity in background mode. For instance in iOS 14 this time is limited by around 30 seconds. In case if user moves the current app into background and Ziggeo SDK is still uploading some video(s) then the SDK will show an user notification asking the user to bring the app to foreground to make sure that videos will be uploaded successfully. This functionality requires UNNotifications enabled in the app. To enable them add the following code in the method func application(_ application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: ) in the AppDelegate class:

if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
    let center  = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
    center.delegate = self
    center.requestAuthorization(options: [.sound, .alert, .badge]) { (granted, error) in
        if error == nil {
            DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
} else {
    let settings = UIUserNotificationSettings(types: [.sound, .alert, .badge], categories: nil)