Spotlight on General Thinking: Community Videos Captured by Ziggeo’s Video Recording API

Today we're highlighting General Thinking, which in their words is a "global network of thinkers and doers: creative, wise & engaged; thoughtful people doing good work". That description makes perfect sense having gotten to know its founder, Remo Giuffro -- he's not only creative and thoughtful but clearly has set out to engage members of the General Thinking community, despite members living thousands of miles apart (he lives in Australia). Video profiles is one such creative tool he's found to engage his community. Remo kindly invited Ziggeo founders Oliver and Susan to join the General Thinking community so we could experience first hand the impact of seeing members introduce themselves on video. It's wonderful to see people come to life -- with their accents, personalities and even quirkiness evident in just a few seconds. Below please find a snapshot of Remo's video profile (used of course with his permission as it's a closed community). Note that given it's a closed community, the public does not generally have permission to view video profiles (only members of the General Thinking community). General Thinking But that's the beauty of Ziggeo -- you can make recorded videos as public or private as you like. So that members of a closed community like General Thinking can introduce themselves to one another with the understanding that videos will not be posted more publicly.