The Next Best Thing: Asynchronous Video For Selecting Whom To Interview In Person
We often wish we could meet someone in person to get the clearest impression as to what that person is all about. So for instance in selecting whom to invite in for a job interview, when faced with hundreds of resumes (with 50 or so that look pretty much alike), it's a toss up whom to invite in for an interview. How do you decide which one to select? Coin toss?
Capturing candidates on video is a great way to find out more about each person. And now with asynchronous video APIs and SDKs candidates can easily record and directly submit their own videos -- and you don't have to build the technology yourself.
Recruitment platforms worldwide understand how powerful video capture is for deciding whom to meet in person.
And those who don't are realizing they are falling behind their competitors.
Clearly meeting in person is your best bet for the clearest impression. But when you have only a limited time to devote to meeting candidates you need to use the best tools for deciding whom to meet. Asynchronous video seems to be your best bet. At least for now.