Gravity Forms made better with video responses using Ziggeo plugin

If you are using WordPress and our WordPress plugin you have noticed that our latest version has one great feature - integrations. What is great with integrations is that you can now connect different plugins with Ziggeo plugin and have video recording in yet another segment of your WordPress website.

About the base:

Our integrations base is built in such a way that will allow you to create your own integration. That is if you are up for some simple codding (at least from our side). If you are looking to get your hands into this, you will be able to ask us about it on our forum here: WordPress Plugin Topics It loads integration modules only when and if needed, so if you do not have a plugin that the integration would integrate Ziggeo plugin into - that is all OK, we will not load that code. We did that as we like leaving small footprint, so a quick check is made to see if the plugin exists, if versions match and if all of such requirements are met, do you actually want it to run. If it can be run and you want it run, it is loaded and running and even then, only where you set it up to run.

Sounds all good? Great - however there is more.

We actually made more than integrations base, we made our first integration as well - integration into Gravity Forms. Now Gravity Forms are great when you want to create and use some forms on your WordPress website and there is no doubt about it. They are easy to set up and easy to manage, while in the same time forms created in the plugin allow you to get the required info from your customers or visitors. Now imagine how simple it would be if you do not ask for a long textual explanation of someone's idea when submitting your form, rather simply add your Ziggeo template that best matches your needs and allow them to explain their ideas to you over the video recording instead? If you are thinking that it sounds great, then we agree, that definitely sounds like much easier way to get your submission to have all the juicy details that it needs while you do not need to worry about reading a long text that might not have everything explained in finest manner. What if you are using your forms to audition someone as a singer for your clients? Hearing a demo from them on the form itself with all the other details right there for you sounds much more interesting, plus you can easily do something else while hearing it out as it does not require you to pay attention as it would while reading. It also cuts away a step for you to determine if they are OK and that you should make a followup just to see them over camera or hear them out when they sing since now you can get it in first go. Did this integration help you with a different use case? What is it? We are always happy to hear it and keep in mind when adding other integrations and features. Can you guess what is the next integration? Lets see who will guess it, just post your thoughts on it to our forum here: WordPress Plugin topics - Ziggeo Integrations