How would you describe your video?

Did you know that search engines like to get your answer on the above? Did you know you can answer it? And do you know how?

Well dive into the subject with us and you will get answers to all of those questions.

Do Search Engines ask for this?

Yes they do actually. It is the reason why for a very long time our system is built to answer the question as well. And it does this through one of the core parameters - description.

The video description helps search engine understand what the video is about. Now, it is true that you are not adding that information on the page, however we are for you - in a way that search engines will see it.

If you were not setting it up, that is OK, we add default text for you. While it does not help with the information about the video it is needed to be present with other Video SEO information.

Are there other uses for it?

Yes there are actually. Depending on what you want to create this might actually be very important to have. For example if you were to build an interface similar to YouTube's you would need title, video and description bellow the video.

If you add it, then all you would need to do is to have your code look for the description next to your video and show it.

Adding video description

To add a video description you could simply create your recorder to have "description" parameter.

For example:

<ziggeorecorder ziggeo-description="This is a description of my video. I can make it as short or as long as I want as long as it is a string that I add it.">

Want to update existing videos? Well that is possible as well, however it will require a bit of codding. Reach out to our support team to help you get started on the same.