Ziggeo’s Specialty: Powering Candidate Videos for Recruitment Platforms

Ziggeo has become wildly popular among recruitment platforms and apps for recording/playing candidate videos.

These platforms understand that rather than spending years and dedicated engineering talent developing their own video recording/playback infrastructure, Ziggeos' video recording API and SDKs are the ideal solution. 

Recruitment platforms have used Ziggeo in a number of ways:

  • Record/play video profiles of candidates
  • Record/play candidate videos responding to a particular position
  • Record/play employer videos introducing their companies and opportunities
  • Video testimonials from employees about a particular company or opportunity

And Ziggeo's capabilities lets recruitment platforms:

  • Set maximum recording time for candidates
  • Share permissions re: who can see videos
  • Manage videos via a customizable dashboard (or videos can integrate into your dashboard)

You can read more about how Ziggeo can power videos for recruitment platforms here