WordPress Plugin 1.12 – Introducing Templates

With the new WordPress plugin release we've now introduced video templates.

So what are the templates for?

Imagine if your website has a number of pages and you'd like to stop allowing uploads, or you'd like to add the face outline feature. However you'd to do that only for certain people on your WordPress website or only for specific pages. With templates that's exactly what you can do. A template allows you to define a combination of parameters - e.g. allowing to upload custom videos and showing a face outline whenever a video is being recorded - and save it under a short identifier like ziggeoTemplateWithFaceOutline that you can use within your Wordpress posts. Now, if we say that the name of this new template was 'ziggeoTemplateWithFaceOutline' we can use it on those pages that are accessible to people that are not yet familiar with your requirements or with steps how to record their video, by simply adding:
[ziggeo ziggeoTemplateWithFaceOutline]
If you started thinking how you will remember all of the templates and how each was set up - stop! That is not needed.

Editing posts

When you are in the post and writing content, there is no need for you to exit. Simply click on the new Ziggeo button (Ziggeo video aid) in your toolbar and you will be able to insert your templates. Clicking on the template name will insert the template call with the name, such as:
[ziggeo ziggeoTemplateWithFaceOutline]
Holding Shift key on your keyboard while clicking on the template name however will insert the template body instead. So if you are not sure which template you want to use, simply add it while holding Shift key pressed and inspect its body. That's it. Once you are sure that you want it, you can leave it as it is, or reinsert the template by clicking on the name. The benefit of inserting the template name is that once you insert it, a change in the plugin settings changes instantly all videos associated with the template. Have hundreds of pages calling a template? You only need 1 click to change it - that's it.