Be The Future Of Video

Video Hack Day 3. New Ziggeo releases. The Future of Video. That's us (actually, that's "we"). But "That's we" sounds ridiculous. So we'll stick with "That's us".

Video Hack Day 3

March 11th, 2017. NYC. Da, da, da, daaaaaaaaaaa Sign Up Now

Pushy, Pushy, Pushy

Push videos now to Google Drive. Or to your S3 bucket, Dropbox or FTP server. Oh yeah, and YouTube and Vimeo (well, they're more of a launch than a push). And don't forget Facebook. OK I know it's not an actual push. It's an embedding. (Don't get all technical on me). Speaking of which, how about embedding on your own site. Duh.

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Ziggeo's Holiday Tree

Happy holidays!