Have a point? Make it stick!

Videos are great ways to express yourself. You can fit so much info into a video and in a short amount of time that it makes it very convenient.

Compared to the same, reading 2000 words would take much more time than listening to the same. Videos also add the additional benefits of seeing the visual information that enriches the text. Likewise the videos would often show the speaker which is always a good thing.

Now, in some cases however you might want to read and watch in the same time. In such cases it would be great if the video was following you as you scroll along.

To support that type of usecase, we have added sticky parameter to our embedding in our r39.

Where to put the video sticker?

By default we will place it for you, however if you need to move it, that is easy to do. Just move the video from the default to any other location and scroll away.

This makes it easy for you to see the page content as well as the video. As you move it, the video will still follow the page as you scroll.

How to use it?

First you have to use r39 (or later) revision of our system. Next you will need to add sticky parameter. With it your video player might look like something like so:

<ziggeoplayer ziggeo-sticky="true"