How to Install our Recruiting Tool (on Heroku)

If you want to install our open source recruiting tool yourself, here is how to do it:
  1. Obtain our code
    1. Clone our repository into an empty directory.
    2. Delete .git directory
  2. Obtain Heroku
    1. Go to Heroku and create an account
    2. Create a Heroku application
    3. Add a Credit Card
    4. Install the Heroku Toolbelt
  3. Set up MongoDB
    1. Using ObjectRocket by Rackspace (paid) Heroku addon or
    2. Set up Atlas (mLab) account
  4. Obtain Ziggeo
    1. Go to Ziggeo and create an account.
  5. Configure Repository
    1. In your directory, start with git init
    2. heroku accounts:add yourappname --auto
    3. heroku accounts:set yourappname
    4. heroku git:remote -a yourappname --account yourappname
  6. Configure Keys
    1. Open in an editor
    2. Change COOKIE_SECRET to something random
    3. Run heroku config to obtain DB_NAME, DB_URI.
    4. Go to the Ziggeo application to obtain ZIGGEO_TOKEN.
  7. Customize Application by changing the source code.
    1. Change the title in
    2. Add your administrators to
    3. Open the template files to change the overall look and the questions.
  8. Push to production
    1. git add .
    2. git commit -a -m "Initial Commit"
    3. git push heroku master