How Video Profiles and Video Screening Can Help Matchmaking and Dating Services

Video screening can be an extremely effective tool for any matchmaking or dating service.  There are many ways that video screening can work and be integrated into such service.

First, professional matchmakers can ask applicants to submit videos of themselves.  Those videos can then be shared with potential matches who may or may not accept the proposed match.

In addition, those videos can also help the matchmaker better understand what a particular client is looking for, without wasting the client's time going on long,  painful dates.

In addition, video profiles can be uploaded by clients that may be searchable by other clients.  Videos recorded using Ziggeo's API have adjustable permission settings that allow videos to be viewed by only those who have been granted access to the videos.  As such, clients who wish their videos to remain private -- or who wish to limit the viewing of their videos to certain individuals -- may do so.

If you’re interested in Ziggeo’s API, you can simply sign up here.


Ziggeo API provides an easy and secure way to integrate recording and playing of videos into any site.  And Ziggeo’s system lets you gain insight into a large number of people in a short period of time  by watching their pre-recorded videos before you meet.