One Good Interview Question to Ask an Intern
One good interview question to ask potential interns is: ”How will this internship further your career goals?”
This is a good question for two reasons: It encourages applicants to describe their goals (or, if they are less-than-stellar candidates, it reveals that they are clueless about what they want for their future), and it lets them demonstrate how serious they are about learning about, and working in, your field.
Given that most interns have precious little work experience (other than odd jobs), asking about future goals makes sense. You’ll also quickly find out if they’ve done research about your field and how working at your company fits in to their plans.
Thoughtful and serious applicants will give clear and compelling answers to the “career goals” question and will sound genuinely excited about the prospect of using the internship experience to help get them where they want to go. Such dedication and commitment are just the sort of qualities that make for an outstanding intern.

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