That’s the Future of Video

Up until this point, we've seen several distinct evolutions of video:
  • We've seen videos for entertainment, e.g. YouTube, Facebook and Vine.
  • We've also seen videos that enlighten, e.g. Ted videos and Khan videos.
  • And then there are videos that communicate and entertain, e.g. snap chat.
  • We've also seen live video take off such as Periscope and Meerkat that record happenings in the moment.
We see a new wave of video on the horizon: one where video is owned and controlled not by social networks but by individuals and their sites. Videos will be used much more as a communication tool and will replace much of you see as written word today. So for instance, video blogs, video comments, and video product descriptions will be much more common. Photographs as profiles will be replaced by video profiles and text messages will be replaced by video messages. These developments in video will be driven by the mobile revolution, higher comfort in taking videos, higher quality videos, greater broadband capabilities, and technology developments of video APIs and video SDKs that make it easy to build and launch video apps, video messaging, video blogs, and video profiles. That's the future of video.