What’s hot and cold at the same time?
Answer: Ziggeo! Hot new features released in this freeezing cold New York weather.
Here's what we've been up to:
New Feature: Videos can now be taken from any camera and uploaded directly to your screening room. That way, folks can get more creative with the videos they submit -- taking different shots, editing the videos, using more professional cameras. Videos will still be restricted to the maximum recording length set by you and automatically cut off if they're too long. And of course, folks can continue to simply take videos on their mobile devices or computers and directly submit the videos with a click of a button.
API: We're gearing up to release our awesome API which will let any site integrate video recording and playing with just 2 lines of code. Video profiles, video comments, and video reviews are just a few possible uses for our API. Documentation is now available so if you'd like to start playing with our code, please let us know. We'd love to know what you think.
Contact Us: If you're interested in our API or have any feedback, we'd love to hear from you at: contact@ziggeo.com
Here's a fun cartoon we thought would make you smile on these frigid days here in New York:

You can find more fun cartoons both here on our blog and on Tumblr.