Zapier Seeking Ideas for Ziggeo Zap Templates
Have an idea for how you might want to use Zapier to connect Ziggeo to any other service?
Zapier is asking which templates could be useful to our customers.
How is Zapier helpful? It connects a number of different services, including Ziggeo, through their API. So for instance, you might want to use Zapier to connect with your favorite marketing or data analytics tool. That way, anytime someone submits a video to your account, the right people will be notified as directed.
How are templates helpful? They avoid using your developers time to build a particular integration. Instead, with one or two clicks, a template can be selected and — voila! — an instant build is at your service.
So what are your dream connections? What can Zapier launch that would make life with Ziggeo that much more helpful?
They’re asking for our input. So speak now or forever hold your peace.