As many of you have already experienced, our customer support is first-rate.
Now we wanted to do even more, so to help you further, we are now including forums as well.
Why forum?
Once there is more information on the forum, you'll be able to quickly find the relevant posts that can help you or your developers accomplish what you are after - being already asked and answered.
It also allows us to have many people see the same and post their own suggestions to how they dealt with a particular issue.
At the same time, it allows you to check out and follow specific topics or posts as well as vote responses up or down. This gives us the required feedback and allows us to see what everyone likes.
The forum also now includes a feature requests section. You'll see what others have requested and what could or will be part of the system. You'll also be able to quickly add your own thoughts and help us determine what many of you are looking for.
What happens with tickets?
They will still be there and if needed, we can turn your post into the ticket.
Do check it out here:
Ziggeo support community and let us know what you think.