Ziggeo develops HTML Video Recording Framework

We've found that people who need to download an app on their mobile devices are less likely to record themselves.  That's particularly true for one-time recordings, e.g. recording for a video profile, a program application, an application for a job, etc.  Those recording videos may figure, why bother downloading an app for a single recording.   That's one of the reasons we spent the time and energy developing an SDK with an HTML Video Recording Framework.

Our HTML video recording library lets people record themselves on video via their browser so it's not necessary for them to download an app to record themselves. No need for a native recording experience via an app -- the browser is simpler for those recording as well as faster as no downloading of apps is required.

That's another reason why our browser-based, HTML video recording library / framework is the preferred solution.

Ziggeo API provides an easy and secure way to integrate recording and playing of videos into any site.