Ziggeo Fields in Fluent Forms
With form builders, it is easy to "build build build" until you have all of the fields you need.
As you might have noticed, we are working on bringing our system to various form builder solutions you use in your daily routines. Today, we want to let you know that there is another form builder we have an integration for: Fluent.
From setting it up to using it on your own, the fluent design and tools make this form builder super easy to use. Introducing: our Fluent Forms integration.
Fluent Forms form builder is created by WP Manage Ninja. This is a team of experts, making many different solutions for their customers. The solutions range from simple themes or plugins to highly complex, yet easy to use ones.
Now how do we integrate?
You probably already have Fluent Forms installed. If not, you can get it from here. Have it? Right on.
Next step is to install our Ziggeo core plugin from Wordpress.
The last step is to bring a bridge plugin that connects these two plugins. You can get it from Github here.
Once you have them all installed and activated, you will see the Ziggeo Fields section in Fluent Forms and under it various Ziggeo fields.

As we are about to release Audio and Image only embeddings we will be adding them to the same section.
So just drag and drop the fields you need and enjoy the Fluent Forms - with a tad of Ziggeo on top