Ziggeo for Customer Testimonials

The more folks use Ziggeo, the more use cases are apparent.  One use case that seems to be gaining traction is using Ziggeo to gather customer testimonials.  What's neat about using Ziggeo is that it's a really easy way for folks to record videos and submit them.  By clicking a unique link that opens a screen on their computer, customers can record themselves talking about your product or service.  And once they're happy with their recordings, they can immediately submit them to you. There's no uploading of videos required on the part of customers. What's also neat is that since videos are submitted to your private screening room, you can select the best videos, download them (edit them) and launch them as you like.  You can also simply embed them into your site (or wherever). To that end, I've just set up a screening room so folks can record what they like about Ziggeo. It will give you a good idea as to how customer testimonials using Ziggeo work -- and will be helpful for us as well (so please feel free to record your thoughts).  Oh, one more thing, I recorded a video of myself thanking others for recording their thoughts -- but note that an introductory video is completely optional. ---- Ziggeo lets you simply and easily record video interviews.  Candidates or interviewees record short videos of themselves for your own private viewing. Useful for screening job candidates, roommates, babysitters, and anyone on Craigslist.  Also useful for gathering media interviews and customer testimonials on video.