Ziggeo Launches Resumable Video Uploads

Ziggeo has just launched its latest feature: resumable uploads. That means that if you’re in the process of recording a video using Ziggeo’s embeddable video recorder and your internet connection breaks, your video will be stored locally until the internet connection is back at which point the upload will automatically resume. Does that mean everyone will be storing their videos locally? No, not at all. This is simply a temporary state that will save your videos from being lost or choppy in the event your connection breaks while recording. And in fact, you won’t even be able to see your videos locally (unless of course the API is configured that way). And in any case, you can always enable uploading of videos so that videos can be recorded locally and uploaded whenever you’re ready. So if you’re recording videos in a remote location with poor internet access, not to fear, your videos will be safely preserved and submitted once you’re back on line.