Ziggeo Use Case #1 – Screening Job Candidates
@cindygallop recently tweeted: "Check out Ziggeo Beautifully simple & easy to use, SOOOO many use cases :)
I've realized all along there were different use cases for Ziggeo, but when I started to put pencil to paper, I realized there were indeed "SOOOO" many uses cases. So I thought I'd start a series that featured various use cases. I hope you'll add your own ideas for use cases as well.
The first use case I'd like to feature is for interviewing for a job. I met recently with a CEO of a digital advertising company who noted Ziggeo could help narrow down candidates to those comfortable with technology and excited about the digital future. He also thought the (optional) feature in which interviewers could record themselves explaining the company or position was an interesting challenge. How can a company best portray itself and humanize its culture? With a face and a voice, it's certainly much easier than a generic job description.
If you think about it, the levels of job candidates screened on Ziggeo can range dramatically. You can be screening for assistants all the way up to senior level executives. With hundreds of resumes submitted for each position, there is no way any one would want to interview all the candidates.
Come to think of it, there are (at least) 2 ways to use Ziggeo. You can do an initial pass of resumes and invite only those candidates whose resumes seem interesting to submit videos on Ziggeo. Or you can simply post a link to your Ziggeo screening room on the public job description (e.g. found on Craigslist) that allows anyone applying for a position to post his/her video responses. Needless to say, while the posting is public, the video responses remain private.
Ziggeo saves you from 30 minute interviews by watching candidates’ short, pre-recorded videos. Candidates can easily record themselves answering interviewers’ questions, and interviewers can privately view the videos at their convenience. Spend 20 seconds — save 30 minutes. Ziggeo is currently in closed beta. If you would like access to Ziggeo please contact info@ziggeo.com