Ziggeo Video Tech Levels the Playing Field for HR / Recruitment

Ziggeo's SaaS Product has levelled the playing field for recruitment, effectively giving everyone a first round of interviews. Ivy league degrees are in effect minimized, with more attention paid to the person him/herself. The implications for the HR/Recruitment industries are far-reaching. Employers have found videos so valuable that they find themselves watching videos first rather than initially reading resumes. This has led to seriously considering a more inclusive, wide-ranging field of candidates not limited to those who attended top schools. In fact, one recent successful hire (reported by a customer who incorporated Ziggeo’s video technology into their platform) did not even complete college -- a candidate who would most likely have been screened out early in the process. This has huge implications for the future of recruiting. New opportunities for people never before considered are opened up; long distance recruitment is made possible; and a more collaborative recruitment process with more input from a number of employers is evident.