Ziggeo’s API: Video Messaging for Roommate, Housemate and Summer Share Services
If you have a roommate service, that is, a service that matches roommates with one another, you may want to consider integrating video messaging into your offerings with Ziggeo’s API. With just 2 lines of code, potential roommates can leave video messages for one another -- an easy and painless way to find out more about a potential roommate or housemate or summer share than simply emailing or leaving plain text chat messages. Those who use your service will thank you for saving them lots of time as well as painful meetings and Skype calls.
Also, Ziggeo's API is built extremely securely so that video messaging is only viewed by those who have permission. And Ziggeo's API was specifically built so that hackers will not be able to hack their way into conversations.
If you’re interested in Ziggeo’s API, you can simply sign up here.

Ziggeo API provides an easy and secure way to integrate recording and playing of videos into any site. And Ziggeo’s system lets you gain insight into a large number of people in a short period of time by watching their pre-recorded videos before you meet.