Vimeo Integration
Launch your videos directly to Vimeo from your private Ziggeo dashboard.
How it Works
- Authenticate your Vimeo Account: go to the third-party integrations settings in your Ziggeo account and connect your Vimeo account to Ziggeo.
- Select video or batch of videos to launch to Vimeo by clicking on Upload to Vimeo in your videos tab.
- Launch
Frequently Asked Questions
Can we apply effects to video before pushing them to Vimeo?
Yes, you can. You can do that any way that works for you - through dashboard or by setting up your recorder with the effect profile of your choice. Once ready, you can just push your video to Vimeo.
Does the person pushing the video need to have Vimeo account?
Only one person has to have Vimeo account - the one setting up the integration. Once integration is set up our system will hold the necessary keys to push the videos to your Vimeo account without showing them to anyone else.
I have changed my password on Vimeo, will Ziggeo still be able to push the videos?
Yes. Depending on what happened, you might need to re-authorize the application, however if you only changed your password then the integration will still be working. It is not using your username and password. Instead during creation of Vimeo integration our system will receive special tokens from Vimeo that it can use to verify that you made the integration. That is it, all private details are still private to you and with whom you have shared them.