Ziggeo is Going Public (kind of)

 YouTube LaunchZiggeo is going public - at least on YouTube. That is, you can now make any of your videos public by just clicking a button on your dashboard. Videos will then be automatically uploaded to your YouTube account.

Looking Fabu: Want to make sure folks are looking their best on video? These new, nifty features help them do just that. Now, before they hit record, folks will be able to see:
  • A light sensor which turns green when there's enough light; and
  • An oval-shaped overlay which guides the proper placement of a face.
Of course like all our features, they can be enabled or disabled as you like. Tip of the Day: Folks submitting videos don't need to use Ziggeo's recorder. You can allow videos to be uploaded to your dashboard from anywhere - and still benefit from Ziggeo's features.