Ziggeo’s API: Video Profiles for Roommate Services

Ziggeo's API is an ideal way to integrate video profiles in any roommate service.  How can video profiles help with roommate service?  First, if a service pre-screens roommates, it can include a button on its site that lets potential roommates record themselves and explain what they're looking for in a roommate. You can have them answer such questions as: if you've had another roommate, which problems did you encounter?  Or what do you like to do in your free time?  Or what does your daily schedule look like?

Those looking for roommates can also record videos of themselves.  They can explain what their living situation is like and what they're looking for in a roommate.

Ziggeo's API also lets you adjust permission settings to allow for only certain people to view certain videos.  So for instance as a value add for your service, you can have roommates pay a premium for viewing videos of potential roommates.

If you’re interested in Ziggeo’s API, you can simply sign up here.


Ziggeo API provides an easy and secure way to integrate recording and playing of videos into any site.  And Ziggeo’s system lets you gain insight into a large number of people in a short period of time  by watching their pre-recorded videos before you meet.