Doodle Of A Holiday
To kick off our holiday newsletter, here’s our star employee, Dori (with her game face on) — she’s in charge of surveillance, office security and cleanup.

And now for our very own holiday song:
Ziggeo Bells
(to the tune of Jingle Bells):
Dashing through the cloud
Just two lines of code,
Our video APIs
Are sure to lighten loads.
All our integrations:
Heroku, Manifold are but two,
Cordova, Ionic, React, and Twitter
Xamarin and Zapier too.
We’re in its App Center
They’ve been really good to us,
Thanks to all our mentors.
Build versus buy
A question you all ask
Saving engineers their time
So they’ll focus on your tasks.
Check out all our features
WebRTC on mobile too
For platforms, employers, teachers,
Analytics just for you.
APIs all the way!
Oh what fun GDPR compliancy’s been
Time for a holiday!

- Team Ziggeo