How our WordPress Plugin works

Wordpress plugins are written in php. We describe a simplified version of our publicly available plugin here. You create a main php file which we will call ziggeo.php that allows you to set up everything your plugin needs. As you know from our documentation, the first thing every Ziggeo-based application has to do is to include our javascript and stylesheet files. We also add a custom css file for the Wordpress plugin, which will be located in the root directory of our plugin and be called styles.css [code language="php"] function ziggeo_enqueue_scripts() { wp_register_script('ziggeo-js', "//", array('jquery')); wp_enqueue_script('ziggeo-js'); wp_register_style('ziggeo-css', "//", array()); wp_enqueue_style('ziggeo-css'); wp_register_style('ziggeo-styles-css', plugins_url('styles.css', __FILE__), array()); wp_enqueue_style('ziggeo-styles-css'); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', "ziggeo_enqueue_scripts"); [/code] Next, you need to include your token in the header of your website. [code language="php"] function ziggeo_script_header() { echo "<script>ZiggeoApi.token = 'INSERT_TOKEN_HERE';</script>\n"; } add_action('wp_head', "ziggeo_script_header"); [/code] So far, so good. How to include video comments? We will use the default comments database to store our video comments as well. A video comment will be saved as a string [ ziggeo ]video-token[/ ziggeo ]. So in order to display video comments, we will have to replace all comments of such type by the actual video player: [code language="php"] add_filter('comment_text', 'ziggeo_content_filter'); add_filter('thesis_comment_text', 'ziggeo_content_filter'); function ziggeo_content_replace($matches) { return ""; } function ziggeo_content_filter($content) { return preg_replace_callback("|\\[ziggeo\\](.*)\\[/ziggeo\\]|", 'ziggeo_content_replace', $content); } [/code] Last, we need to enable the user to actually post video comments. For that, we write our own template file ./templates/comments_template.php and include it as follows: [code language="php"] function ziggeo_comment_template($comment_template) { return dirname(__FILE__) . "/templates/comments_template.php"; } add_filter("comments_template", "ziggeo_comment_template"); [/code] The comments template we create is a little tricky. It includes the original comments template imposed by the Wordpress theme and then uses jQuery to modify the comments section in-place: [code language="php"] <?php if (file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . '/comments.php')) include_once TEMPLATEPATH . '/comments.php'; elseif(file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/comments.php')) include_once TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/comments.php'; $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); ?> <script type="text/template" id="comment-ziggeo-template"> <div class="comment-navigation"> <ul class="comment-nav-menu"> <li> <a id="comments-text-link"> <span class="dashicons dashicons-text"></span> Text Comment </a> </li> <li> <a id="comments-video-link"> <span class="dashicons dashicons-video-alt"></span> Video Comment </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="comments-text-container"></div> <div id="comments-video-container"></div> </script> <script type="text/template" id="ziggeo-recorder"> <ziggeo ziggeo-width=480 ziggeo-height=360 ziggeo-limit=120 ziggeo-form_accept="#commentform" ziggeo-tags="wordpress,<?= $current_user->user_login ?>" ></ziggeo> </script> <script> jQuery("label[for='comment']").remove(); jQuery(".comment-form-comment").before(jQuery("#comment-ziggeo-template").html()); jQuery("#comments-text-container").append(jQuery(".comment-form-comment")); jQuery("#comments-text-container").append(jQuery(".form-allowed-tags")); jQuery("#comments-text-link").on("click", function () { jQuery("#comments-text-container").css("display", ""); jQuery("#comments-video-container").css("display", "none"); jQuery("#comments-video-container").html(""); jQuery("#commenttype").val("text"); jQuery("#comment").val(""); }); jQuery("#comments-video-link").on("click", function () { jQuery("#comments-video-container").css("display", ""); jQuery("#comments-video-container").html(jQuery("#ziggeo-recorder").html()); jQuery("#comments-text-container").css("display", "none"); jQuery("#commenttype").val("video"); jQuery("#comment").val(""); }); ZiggeoApi.Events.on("submitted", function (data) { jQuery("#comment").val("[zig" + "geo]" + + "[/zig" + "geo]"); }); </script> [/code]