Now choose the poster you want from the video itself!

We listened to your feedback and decided to add a new feature that would help you with the selection of the snapshots or poster images. This way your video shows the exact frame that you picked.

It is good to mention that this is only available on our currently latest r38.3. It is added and will work on your recorder and uploader. The way to add it is simple, just add pickcovershotframe parameter and that is it.

It will allow you to create a video and then play it for you to choose the exact frame that you wish as the poster.

How is this different from current experience?

Till now, we would show you a gallery of snapshots. It worked by choosing a few random frames from the video which were available to be picked as poster. Sometimes these frames were not the best ones as someone might prefer a different covershot than one of those offered.

It was also possible to see jumping effect in the video if you picked the first frame, as the poster and first frame are different. So with this feature, now you can choose your favorite frame of the video as the poster.

How can we use r38.3?

To start using the specific revision you might need to modify your head code just a tiny bit.

This is how it should look to use the latest r38:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//"/>
<script src="//"></script>

How can I add this to my recorder?

The name of the parameter is pickcovershotframe. It is a boolean parameter and its default value is false. So you need to set it as true in your code to use it. Example JS code below:

<div id="video_recorder"></div>
    var recorder = new ZiggeoApi.V2.Recorder({
        element: document.getElementById("video_recorder"),
        attrs: { 
            pickcovershotframe: true,
            width: 640,
            height: 480,
            timelimit: 120,
            theme: 'modern',
            themecolor: 'blue'

The same could also be used with HTML code such as this one:


If you want to see more about different parameters you can use, please check out our parameters page. As an alternative if you are not code savvy or just want to around some buttons, you can check out our configuration sandbox. It does not have all parameters, however it can allow you to easily change things in your recorder or player. You can see it here.

What happens if I re-record the video?

The re-recording process is still the same. If you turn on this option, then you will be able to pick a covershot from that new recording (or re-recording).

Can I change the video poster later?

No, not as of now. With that said, our intent is to make this possible for you. For that reason once our video editing features are rolled out, you would be able to edit the poster. You can follow our roadmap here.

Hidden gems

The pickcovershotframe will work next to gallery, however this new feature takes precedence over the gallery function. This is because we feel it will offer the person recording the video more control over their experience.

Now in case the person recording the video closes the tab instead of picking their covershot we got your covered. By default our system will pick the first frame as it did before this update. This way even if someone does not pick the frame you will still have one present.

And the last little gem we have for you is that this feature is fully mobile ready. This means that when someone comes to your website over their mobile phone, they can still experience this just like they would on desktop.

Have any questions?

Please reach out to our friendly support team over at We are always happy to hear about any feedback as well as to assist with any questions you might have for us.