Pre-Recorded Video Interviews: Money-Savings for Employers/Interviewers

We conducted an informal poll amongst interviewers who use pre-recorded video interviews and found that not only are such video interviews huge time savers for interviewers who can focus their time on the most promising candidates, recorded interviews are also a huge money-saver.

That is, pre-recorded video interviews saves thousands of dollars each time a poor candidate is flown in for an interview  (which includes the cost of flights and hotels).  Now some may argue with Skype that often such expenses can be avoided.   And that is true to some extent.   However, with pre-recorded videos that can be shared with multiple colleagues, the number of people involved in the hiring process can be greatly expanded. As such, whereas a Skype call could go well with someone in talent acquisition or even one of the hiring managers, others involved in the process may see something in the pre-recorded video that may cause them to think twice about flying the candidate in.

Additionally, with pre-recorded video interviews, the need to attend job fairs around the country may diminish.  And as such, the savings on hotels and flights not to mention the time savings of the company representatives can be enormous.

So the next time you're considering whether pre-recorded video interviews are for you, think of how much money and time you could be saving your company and yourself.