Easily capture caregiver videos with Ziggeo's video API and video SDKs for recording and playback. Capture the right caregiver for your customers
Ziggeo Use Cases
- Video profiles of caregivers (e.g. nannies, au pairs, carers)
- Videos introducing families, situation, etc.
- Videos of caregivers applying to specific positions
- Video reviews of caregivers from former employers/families
- Video submissions for any caregiver issues
“Ziggeo is… an extraordinary way to get insight on a large number of people in a very short period of time.”
— Seth Godin, best-selling business author
Caregiver Video Profiles
- Caregivers record videos remotely
- Videos submitted to your moderation dashboard
- Approved videos viewable
- Manage who can view videos (e.g. only those on premium plan)
- Use open source Video Wall template to display videos
- Filled in info (e.g. name) can be automatically displayed with video
Family Videos
- Introduce hiring family / situation on video
- Record what you’re looking for in a caregiver
- Viewing of family videos can be restricted to selected candidates
Caregiver Videos Applying to Positions
- Caregivers record videos in response to particular positions
- Get an immediate impression of caregivers
- Limit caregiver recording time so videos are short
- Caregivers can respond to particular job requirements
Video Reviews of Caregivers
Families / former employers record video testimonials / reviews of caregiversVideo Reviews of Caregivers
- Families / former employers record video testimonials / reviews of caregivers
- Caregivers record issues they have with families/employers
Key Features
- Mobile-friendly — caregivers from around world can record videos
- Embed video recorder / player into your caregiver site / platform
- Video recording APIs and video recording SDKs available
- Support of Web-RTC
- Caregivers / families do not need to download apps to record / play videos
- You can easily moderate and approve videos before shown to your families
- Videos viewable only to families with permission
- Set maximum recording time so caregiver videos are as short as you like
Full control over Videos
- Videos submitted directly to caregiver platform (together with e.g. candidate profiles)
- Videos viewable only to those potential employers / families with permission
- Set maximum recording time so recording time is as short as you like
- Video recorder/player is white-labeled so seamlessly integrates into your site / platform
Submission Forms + Video Wall = Quick Start
- Use video submission form to capture candidate videos
- Candidate videos recorded and submitted directly to dashbaord
- Recruitment Tool also available for evaluating caregivers.
- Video Wall is open source tool for attractive display of videos.
Opportunity for Increased Revenue
- Charge families additional fee to make videos of caregivers viewable (upgrade from basic plan)
- Include caregiver videos as part of premium package
- Create Freemium plan so only a few seconds of videos are viewable; upgrade to see entire videos