Ideas for Hacks
A great resource for any hacker, Ziggeo has compiled a list of ideas on what to hack on.
- Real News App: Let folks record and submit videos from around the world — and get real news.
- Video Art / Political Messages: Digital art can send powerful messages, political or otherwise. Create an app that lets artists collect snippets of video from all around the world they can use to create a piece. People record and submit videos in response to instructions.
- Care Packages for Those In Needs: Families or volunteers record on video what’s needed — and others can send money or what’s needed.
- Interviewing Employers/Volunteer Organizations: Let employers or volunteer organizations try out for you! They record videos letting you know why you should work for them/help out. And if you’re interested, you can respond on video.
- Ask Your Representative: Record videos asking questions — and upvote those everyone wants answered. Representatives answer questions on video.
- Adopt a Grandson/Grandparent: Help build relationships among generations. Each generation can record videos introducing themselves — and let them choose each other.
- Open Grants/Admissions: Crowd-based admissions or grants. Let applicants record and submit videos for the popular vote.
- Happy ‘rents: Record video messages accessible only to parents or loved ones.
- Captain’s Log: Track your days by recording short videos
- Video Dating App: Short videos recorded and submitted – wrap a fun theme around it.
- Roommate App: Need an extra roommate or housemate? Have a sweet deal? Introduce your place on video and let others respond on video.
- Fresh Faces: Want to check out the new class before they arrive? Have them all record videos of themselves.
- Video Yearbooks: Let your classmates record videos highlighting favorite times
- Instant Pet Adopter: Pet adoption agencies have terrible technology. Build something they can use. Instant Pet adopter — they record videos of pets for adoption, you respond with interest.
- Contests for Good: Raise money for your favorite cause by letting brands pay for video submissions they can use in their marketing materials
- Try-Out App: Casting for a school play or your cappella group? Need to figure out the best fit for your eating club? Students record videos explaining the opportunity and others respond on video with their songs, monologues or story.
- Travel Journal: Record the places you go and people you meet; share with family back home. Happy ‘rents -Record video messages accessible only to your parents.
- Birthday Bling: Let friends record birthday wishes on video.
- Video Greeting Cards: Record videos to be sent for special occasions.
- Hackathon Idea Generator: Let folks from around the world record videos suggesting what you should build so you can put your coding time to good use.
- Hackathon Matching Service: Don’t know who your teammates will be? Create a Hackathon matching service so folks can introduce themselves to one another before the big day.
- Adopt an Alum: Want to start to build relationships with Alums while at school? Match interests with alums by letting each record videos introducing themselves
- Parlez Vous Francais?: Record videos practicing a language and let others from that country respond and correct your pronunciation. Video Pals: Expand your world by exchanging video messages with those around the world.
- Language Lab Buster: Tired of walking to the language lab? Record assignments using your phone.
- Student Admissions Vote: Be the first university to let students vote to fill a spot or two in the upcoming class. Choose a wild card. Let applicants record and submit videos for the popular vote.
- Ask the Admin: Students record videos asking questions — and up vote those everyone wants answered. Admin answers questions on video.
- Crowd-sourcing Initiatives: Have an idea you want founded? Record a video explaining your idea. Let your classmates and alums support your dreams. They can record videos of support.
- Debt Busters: Up to your ears in student loans? Record a video and let alumni and friends help ease the burden.
- Feel Good App: Record your video and let strangers tell you how beautiful you are.
- Secret Crush: Have a secret crush but don’t want to be rejected? Create a dating service where 2 matching likes will release video messages to one another.
- World Jam: Record snippets of your music, show yourself jamming, share with the world
- Morning Therapy: Wake up each morning and play a video of yourself, your family and friends saying how great you are. You’ll feel empowered.
- Care Packages around Exams: Let family send exactly what a student wants — and let them record a video message.