Fresh take on audio by Ziggeo
We are excited to announce that our Audio (only) feature you’ve requested so much has just been released. In the last few months, we have been tirelessly working to improve our Service with this new feature.
How will it work?
You add the audio recorder in a similar way to the video recorder. It is available as HTML as well as JS embedding.
All the audios you record will be found within Dashboard > App > Audios
Examples of code
HTML Codes
<ziggeoaudiorecorder></ziggeoaudiorecorder> <ziggeoaudioplayer></ziggeoaudioplayer>
JS Codes
var recorder = new ZiggeoApi.V2.AudioRecorder(); var player = new ZiggeoApi.V2.AudioPlayer();
To make it easier to code, we use the same parameters as the original Video Recorder. The only exception are parameters specific to video and or screens recordings.
All type audio files will be accepted (aiff, alac, flac, mp3, acc, wma, ogg, etc)
These audio files will all be turned into .aac files, which you will be able to download directly from the Dashboard, the same way you can do this with video files.

Webhooks support
At the start we provide support for most required webhooks (compared to our video webhooks). We will be offering the full support for all webhooks in the next few weeks.
There is nothing specific that you need to set to start listening to the audio webhooks.
The only exception to this would be if you have limited the webhooks we would send within your dashboard. In that case, you might need to add audio webhooks as well. Of course if you want to listen to them.
Meta Profiles support
We have added support for the audio transcription to our audio processing. If you have been testing things while they were in beta, you know that audio transcription was not available. It is however added and ready to be used now when the audio has been officially released.
You would use it the same way as you did with video recording. All you need is to specify the meta profile as a key or token and it will capture the audio transcription for you.
<ziggeoaudiorecorder ziggeo-meta-profile="0123456789"></ziggeoaudiorecorder>
Be stylish all the way. Adding audio support to your service should be simple, and we believe we managed to make it as such. You likely already picked your favorite theme (/features/video-recorder-themes/), and now, you can just use the same for your audio player or recorder as well.
Have any questions? Please let us know by reaching out to our team at