The Video Player
Ziggeo's video player outperforms all other video players by being the only responsive player with advanced features that seamlessly integrates into any site.
Embeddable Video Player
Our video player outperforms all other video players — here’s why:- The video player is responsive
- The video player ensures all recorded videos can be played back immediately
- Only the videos you want to make available can be accessed
Embeddable Video Player
Here is a video example what a video look like.Video Player Seamless Integration
- The player can be integrated seamlessly right into your site.
- You can configure the video player so it’s any size or shape.
- Videos can automatically be played a site is reached or a video can start when the play button is pressed.
- Video players can play videos previously recorded — and you can feature a video recorder right along side the videos themselves.
Advanced Features
Frequently Asked Questions
Is video player branded with Ziggeo logos?
No. Our system is completely whitelabel, meaning that there is no branding of any kind used on our player or other types of embeddings. We do have a watermark for the duration of trial, however once you upgrade you will no longer see the watermark.
Does Ziggeo player work on mobile devices?
Yes! Our player was designed to work on any mobile and standalone devices.
Can I test it out on my own videos?