
WordPress Templates Editor in a new location

If you are using our WordPress plugin you likely thought how the templates editor is helpful yet does not belong in Settings. Well if you did, then you are not the only one. The templates editor is still available and working just as it was before. The only difference is that at this time we […]

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Orientation that works for you, in this big world of video

Are you looking to have your videos recorded in a specific orientation? Not only looking how the device is being held, rather how video is oriented as well? Well we have something new coming your way, so read on to find out more about the same. We already had the parameter named orientation that allowed […]

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Loaded – in a different way

Ziggeo offers a lot of different options for you to utilize on your website. From many different parameters to choose from, events to listen to and methods to utilize; In the same time, you do not need to go into the world of customization at all. That is of course unless you want to. As […]

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Have a point? Make it stick!

Videos are great ways to express yourself. You can fit so much info into a video and in a short amount of time that it makes it very convenient. Compared to the same, reading 2000 words would take much more time than listening to the same. Videos also add the additional benefits of seeing the […]

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Fresh take on audio by Ziggeo

We are excited to announce that our Audio (only) feature you’ve requested so much has just been released. In the last few months, we have been tirelessly working to improve our Service with this new feature. How will it work? You add the audio recorder in a similar way to the video recorder. It is […]

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How many re-recordings before it is perfect?

When recording a video there is bound to be something that is not quite right. Maybe everything was perfect and cat came to you and jumped into your lap. Regardless of the case you might be tempted to do a re-recording. However should you? This is something we want to explore with you as part […]

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What you should look out for when making a video

When recording a video there are many things that could go wrong. You might stutter, forget what you wanted to talk about and even a cat coming in and taking your camera off. This all sounds as something you should really think about when making a video, however the reality is a bit different. There […]

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How to express yourself properly

Expressing yourself in the right way during recording of a video is quite important. Not just when recording a video, at any point when you want to communicate something properly. This is why this is very important thing to do right, to be able to record video like a pro. It is also one of […]

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What to have close by during recording

Are you sure that you have everything you need for when recording starts? Did you under prepare? Maybe you over-prepared? Well we will go through a very simple list of pros and cons for your live video or video recording. Before we start, we should mention that this is part of the series How to […]

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How to prepare yourself for that big talk

Are you preparing yourself for a video recording? Maybe doing an interview over video for the first time? Wondering what you should do to prepare yourself for the video? All of this will be found in this article. Before we go on we want to let you know that this is 2nd article in our […]

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