Ziggeo’s WordPress Video Plugin
With Ziggeo's WordPress plugin, video blogs and video comments on WordPress are extremely simple to execute.
The WordPress plug-in lets you record and submit videos as posts and also enables video comments. Rather than writing a text post, you can now simply hit the record-video button, record your video, and it will automatically be submitted right to your blog – no uploading or downloading necessary.
Benefits include:

- Ease of recording and submitting videos (a simple click of the record-video button, an option to re-record, and the automatic submission of your video right to your blog. No uploading or downloading necessary.
- Your personality can easily shine through when featuring yourself on video rather than a written blog.
- You can populate your blog with both video and written blog entries – you don’t need to make a choice.

The WordPress plug-in lets you record and submit videos as posts and also enables video comments. Rather than writing a text post, you can now simply hit the record-video button, record your video, and it will automatically be submitted right to your blog – no uploading or downloading necessary.
Benefits include:

- Hearing and seeing first hand from your audience can lead to less misinterpretation of words.
- When video comments are submitted (less anonymous than written comments), you may find that those commenting show more respect than when they can hide behind anonymous comments.
- Video comments are great way for a writer to get closer to his/her audience and understand who the audience is.
- Similarly, video comments let the audience get more familiar with each other which can lead to a tighter community of commenters.

You can find more information on Ziggeo’s WordPress plugin here
The integration into WordPress is done in several layers allowing you to quickly get Ziggeo on WordPress and also extend it or fine tune it the way you like. This is achieved by creating a core plugin and additional small footprint plugins that provide integration into specific areas of WordPress or some other WordPress plugins. You can get and inspect the core plugin codes from the following places: Want to see how to install or set things up? Check out our documentation here.WordPress plugin integrations
To provide you with the integrations specific to WordPress and to many other plugins we have decided to create our core plugin in such way that it is easy to use its codes in your own plugins, or through our own and third-party plugins. The following are the list of plugins that have been created by us and extend the core plugin:- VideoWalls for Ziggeo (see more bellow)
- Ziggeo Video for bbPress
- Ziggeo Video for Job Manager (and its Resume Manager addon)
- Ziggeo Video for WPForms
- Ziggeo Video for Gravity Forms