
We have made it very easy to add your code to your Paperform forms. To do that, there are 2 steps, however we recommend following 3 for best experience:

  1. Enable your iframe and oEmbed embeds for player
  2. Get and prepare your Ziggeo head code
  3. Add the codes into Paperform form

This is the step that is completely optional yet we recommend it. By doing it you will make it easier for yourself to share the videos you grab on your Paperform forms.

Not only is it super easy to do, you will actually only do it once for your application.

You can see the steps on how to do it on the following link: How to enable iframe / oEmbeds.

Here is the code to grab, regardless if you are going to add player or recorder. This one always has to be present.

    <script src=""></script>

Yes, you are right, it looks almost like it is just a link. That is it really. We made sure that this is simple for you so we made self activating code allowing you quick and simple setup.

Only thing you would do is replace APPLICATION_TOKEN with your actual application token. As you do, you got yourself the very code that you should add to your Paperform forms.

  • Open the form to edit it within your Paperform account.
  • Head to Configure then Analytics
  • Locate the field that says Page load scripts
  • Into this field paste the link you had got and prepared in the section above.

This is needed only once per form and the rest is just to add your embeddings onto your form.

Next sections will take you step by step first with video and then everything in nice text and copy paste-able way that follows it. We will break it into 3 different sections, so check out the video that matches what you want to do.

Unlike the Ziggeo Codes section, this one is optional. It is also only added if you will be adding recorder to your form. So if you need one embedding, you would follow these steps once. Likewise if you need 10, you would follow them ten times instead.

  • Scroll to the area of your form where you would like to add your embedding (video recorder for example)
  • Add Text field to this area
  • Now into the Placeholder text write the following: ziggeovideorecorder - to create video recorder

That is it, repeat the above as many times and mix and match the embedding types as needed on your form.

Adding player is very similar to adding recorder. The only difference is that we will also be adding video token that we will show on our form.

Unlike the Ziggeo Codes section, this one is optional. It is also only added if you will be adding recorder to your form. So if you need one embedding, you would follow these steps once. Likewise if you need 10, you would follow them ten times instead.

  • Scroll to the area of your form where you would like to add your embedding (video recorder for example)

  • Add Text field to this area

  • Now into the Placeholder text write the following: ziggeovideoplayer VIDEO_TOKEN - to create a video player

    • VIDEO_TOKEN text above should be replaced with the actual video token to be played

That is it, repeat the above as many times and mix and match the embedding types as needed on your form.

If you are not sure how to find the video token to use in a player, the following will help you with the information you are after.

There are 2 different ways to do this and they are both very simple. You can use either one that is easier for you.

These methods are:

  1. Using Paperform Dashboard
  2. Using Ziggeo Dashboard

Using Paperform Dashboard

  • Go to the Dashboard of your Paperfom account

  • Click on View Results for your form

  • Click on the entry of interest and scroll down until you find the video URL

    • This URL is oEmbed URL and as such you can share it on many different platforms or directly and the video will be shown for you.

Using Ziggeo Dashboard

  • Go to your Ziggeo Dashboard
  • Click on Application you have videos in
  • Now click on "Videos" page
  • Find the video that you want to grab and get the token from under the video preview

The preference on where you would search for token is if you for example uploaded the video directly to your Ziggeo account, in which case it will not be visible in your Paperform results. Likewise if you are going to search for osme video from specific person - or by some form captured data, you would need to do that in Paperform as your Ziggeo dashboard will not have access to the form data.

Wait. It is simple, it is easy however you want more? Want to make changes to how embeddings look? Want to what happens with the embeddings? Well that is easy to do, however does require some custom changes.

We have actually explained how to do this easily on our modify Form Builder integration page.