Video Transcoding API + Transcoding as a Service
Ziggeo automatically handles all your video transcoding needs. If you're already a customer, no need to do anything. Ziggeo's transcoding API is already activated and you can make use of Ziggeo's transcoding service without any extra effort.
Transcoding as a Service
Here’s how Ziggeo’s transcoding as a service works:- Ziggeo lets you push your videos to our servers
- Ziggeo transcodes your videos to all different resolutions and formats
- Once a video has been transcoded, we notify you via webhooks
- You decide where videos go from there:
- Use our server-side SDKs to pull the transcoded video file(s) to your servers
- Let us push the video file(s) to your S3 bucket, FTP server, Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive
Transcoding as an API
Ziggeo’s API for video transcoding quickly and easily transcodes your videos into any and all desired formats. Three steps to using Ziggeo’s transcoding API: 1. Push your video to our servers, e.g. using our server-side PHP SDKs:$ziggeo = new Ziggeo("APP_TOKEN", "PRIVATE_KEY");
$video = $ziggeo->videos()->create(array("file" => "./source.mpg"));
// $video["token"] now contains the unique token of this video
2. Wait for webhook video_ready to notify you about the finished transcoding.
3. Download the transcoded video to your servers
$video_data = $ziggeo->videos()->download_video($video_token);
file_put_contents("./target.mp4", $video_data);
- Did you know you can accomplish these same tasks via your Ziggeo dashboard without writing a single line of code?
Transcoding to Different Resolutions
- Ziggeo transcodes to different resolutions set by you.
- By default, Ziggeo transcodes to 640×480
Super Fast Transcoding Process
Ziggeo begins the transcoding process as soon as your recording begins streaming to our servers.Saving Transcoded (+ Original) Videos
- Saving videos: Not to worry, Ziggeo saves both the original video as well as all transcoded videos
- Deleting videos: You may delete any and all videos at any time.
- Pushing videos:
Transcoding Options
Ziggeo’s transcoding system lets you specify different resolutions for transcoding. For each resolution, you can also specify the following advanced options:- Ratio Strategy : The ratio strategy allows you to specify how the target aspect ratio should be adjusted in case it’s different from the source aspect ratio:
- fixed: keep the target aspect ratio
- shrink: reduce one dimension of the target to match the source aspect ratio
- stretch: expand one dimension of the target to match the source aspect ratio
- Size Strategy: The size strategy explains how and whether the target size should be adjusted depending on the source size:
- keep: keep the target size
- shrink: shrink the target size when the target size is greater than the source size
- stretch: expand the target size when the target size is smaller than the source size
- Shrink Strategy: The shrink strategy explains how a larger source video should be fitted inside a smaller target video:
- shrink-pad: Shrink to fit and pad to match the aspect ratio
- crop: Crop the video
- shrink-crop: Shrink to fit and crop to match the aspect ratio
- Stretch Strategy: The stretch strategy explains how a smaller source video should be fitted into a larger target video:
- pad: Pad the video
- stretch-pad: Stretch to fit and pad to match the aspect ratio
- stretch-crop: Stretch to fit and crop to match the aspect ratio
- Mixed Strategy: The mixed strategy explains how a source video where one side is larger and one size is smaller than the target video should be fitted:
- shrink-pad: Shrink to fit and pad to match the aspect ratio
- stretch-crop: Stretch to fit and crop to match the aspect ratio
- crop-pad: Crop and pad the video
Supported Formats
Ziggeo transcodes videos from over 20 recorded formats, including:- mp4
- webm
- ogv
- mov
- flv
- avi
- mpg
- wmv
- mkv
Frequently Asked Questions
What resolutions can we set with Ziggeo?
We support various resolutions. You can pick from one of the pre-defined ones or set your own. The choice is yours.
Do we need to use API to transcode the videos?
You can use our API, however you are not required to. You can add our embeddings to your page and they will do everything for you. They work the same as you can see them in within your account in Dashboard.
What kind of rate limits can we expect when using your API?
Our service is provided without any rate limitations. You can upload one video at a time or have thousands of people uploading videos at the same time.